Writer’s block is a phenomenon every writer is faced with at one point or the other. From staring at the screen to racking one’s brain for ideas to getting the right idea to write on, it can be a discouraging struggle. Whenever some enter the writer’s block rut, they become stuck like a car at a dead end, unsure of what next to do. But that ought not to be so.
As a writer, you don’t have to succumb to the daze that comes with writer’s block. You don’t have to feel helpless when blankness seems to be taking over.
Writer’s block has a cure; here are 5 ways to overcome it:
1. Just Write!

Sometimes, writer’s block comes from low belief in your writing ability. (Every writer faces this occasionally, even the great ones who have written bestsellers.) The feeling of inadequacy could creep in, crippling your ability and impeding your writing juices. However, in such cases, grab your pen or get on the keyboard and just write away.
There are times you should allow your hands to write without having your brain interfere, at least, during the first attempt at a piece — which could be the hardest. Your work doesn’t have to be perfect at first. Keep your imagination alive and just keep writing — this works like magic. Soon, you’d find writing much easier and interesting.
2. Find Your Zone

It’s always best, as a writer who wants to increase your productivity, to find your zone. Have a specific space, time, or location where you write. In essence, have a well-planned routine. It helps make you an organized and disciplined writer. Your brain will also adjust to the schedule, and it will be easier to find your muse in that zone.
A suitable time could be in the night or the early hours of the morning. The place could be noisy, or a quiet, serene environment. Just make sure you find your zone and stick to it.
3. Research
Writer’s block could be the result of a lack of adequate information. You can become stuck on a piece of writing because you lack enough knowledge on the topic. It helps to research and read up other materials on the topic when you don’t know what else to write.
An essential attribute of a good, productive writer is the ability to research. Research opens you up to more inspiration and knowledge. As a writer, you must have vast knowledge around a subject to create valuable content on that subject. Research and voracious reading surely help here.
4. Read

Grab a favourite book, an inspiring journal, or a captivating article. It helps to keep your creative juices steaming and flowing by reading.
5. Take a Break!
This one could be hard for some people to do especially when they have deadlines to meet, but It’s one of the best things to do. You must note that mental and physical fatigue can affect your writing, as you need energy to focus. Apparently, when you are exhausted, your brain is also exhausted, and it could be hard to get anything going.
Leave the computer for some time. Play a game, take a walk, or maybe a short nap. Do a simple exercise — anything other than writing.
There are many more ways to overcome writer’s block and become a productive writer. You can find more expert help by clicking here.